Meal Sites
Meal sites at two locations provide a welcoming social environment to
enjoy a nutritious community lunch.
Morrisville Meal Site
the Hub at Meals on Wheels
21 Munson Avenue
Lunch is served
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
from 11:00 am until Noon
Takeout service is available
Monday through Friday.
Call 802-888-5011
to reserve your meal the day before.
$5 if you are 60 or older
$8 if you are under 60.
Johnson Meal Site
Senior Center
Johnson Town Office Building
293 Lower Main Street West
on the 2nd floor
MOWLC receives 40% of its funding from the Older Americans Act (OAA) through the Central Vermont Council on Aging (CVCOA). Both the OAA and CVCOA have strict nutrition guidelines and require that we collect certain information from our recipients in order to receive funding. Everyone the is 60 or older will be asked to fill out a very simple intake form. Thank you for your support!